
Birth | Standard

3 Prenatal Visits

Unlimited Virtual Support

On-Call 24/7 Starting at 37 weeks

Birth Attendance

2 Postpartum Visits

Access to full resource list

$ 1000

Birth | Deluxe

4 Prenatal Visits

Unlimited Virtual Support

On-Call 24/7 Starting at 37 weeks

Birth Attendance

10 Hours Postpartum Support

Access to full resource list

$ 1350

Postpartum Services

Postpartum services are booked based on availability.

Daytime Support: $27/ Hour- 3 hour minimum

Overnight Support Available Upon Discussion


I currently work with Medi-Cal and Tricare, I also offer flexible payment plans where needed.

“My dream is that every woman, everywhere, will know the joy of a safe, comfortable and satisfying birth of herself and her baby.”

— Marie Mongan, Founder of Hypnobirthing®

Book a free discovery call